Six Minutes of...



Because so many listeners are learning and teaching remotely due to restrictions caused by corona virus, we have move the deadline to Friday, May 1st.  

And families can submit too! All remote learning environments are welcome to participate!



 With millions of downloads per month, Six Minutes has attracted an audience of tween and adult super-fans, becoming the largest scripted family podcast in history... and the first narrative podcast to be widely taught as part of ELA curricula in middle-grade classrooms across the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia!  Now, we would like to thank those teachers who have brought Six Minutes into their classrooms with a chance to hear the passion of their students for the podcast brought to life! 

(Our best contest yet!)


Gen-Z Media proudly presents SIX MINUTES IN THE (REMOTE) CLASSROOM - a contest for students ages 8 to 18 and their teachers. Classrooms and remote learning environments are invited to write, record and submit an original scene based on the following fun premise.



The Premise:

Holiday is missing, and the Anders family must get to the bottom of it! 


The Prize!

The Six Minutes writers will pick the standouts and winning entries will be professionally re-recorded... with the real Six Minutes cast! 

But before you get started, check out these guidelines first:   

Sound on Sound Studios, Montclair NJ

The Rules!

  1. Entries must be no longer than (of course) Six Minutes (or so) – that’s usually about 11 pages in script format. 
  2. Use your imagination to set the scene - setting, character, story. It's all up to you! 
  3. Entries must consist of an original script (action + dialogue), plus an audio or video recording of students and teachers acting out the scene (for fun). Winning entries will be selected based on writing only, not on acting or production.
  4. Submissions must identify the names and ages of the participants.
  5. Teachers and Parents, please let us know whether we have permission to identify the participants if your submission is selected. 
  6. Winning entries will be released as part of the Six Minutes podcast feed, with credits to the young writers at the end of the episode. 
  7. IMPORTANT: To be eligible submissions by be received at Submissions@Gen-Z.FM no later than Friday, May 1st, 2020.

Brinleigh and Monica

And that's all there is to it!

But still have questions or need help submitting...? Contact us at Info@Gen-Z.FM.  Because so many listeners are learning and teaching remotely due to restrictions caused by corona virus, we have move the deadline to Friday, May 1st.  


Six Minutes down Memory Lane...

Hey there. Remember the very first episode? The one that got it all started? Well, listen to the first episode again right here. And remember: it's always more fun to listen with friends!  


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